Sunday, May 13, 2012

Samantha's such a big girl now:)

                                 Samantha's such a big girl now:)

OMG so cute..

She was so small as a puppy..

I can't believe she use to be this small..

She is such a cute sleeper..

Such a big girl now..

She grew so much:)

Samantha is 1 years old next month so i decided to post some pictures of Samantha as a puppy and Samantha now, when we brought her home she only weighed 8.6lbs but she now weighs 80lbs...

I cant believe how much she has changed in a year, she eats alot more, she weighs more, she is getting out of the puppy stage and she sleeps alot more which is great hehe..

Im defantly glad the puppy stage is out the way because when we were training her to go potty outside we got up every hour and a half during the night to take her out for month's, lack of sleep doesnt do goos for me haha, then theirs all the training and consistentsy, so im glad that stage is coming to a end..

I don't think we will get another puppy again, i think if we get another dog it will be a few years old and from the shelter because i don't think i can get through the puppy stage again, i love Samantha but its hard work

I cant wait to celebrate Sams 1st birthday, im going to spoil her rotten which is not unusual hehe:)

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