Sunday, May 13, 2012

Samantha and Paul's morning at the park...

                            Samantha and Paul's morning at the park...

The Beautiful sky..

Samantha waiting for Paul to kick the ball..

Paul doing a power kick..

Samantha running back with her football...

Watching the football intensly....

She loves to play football....

Hello Samantha:)

Paul at the park...

Paul and Samantha at the park...

Paul and Samantha at the park...

Samantha love's the park and she also love's to play football with daddy, so on saturday Me and Paul took Samantha to play football at the park, while Paul played football with Samanatha i done what i normally do take lots of pictures of them playing football..

These are the pics i took and they turnt out great, i love to take picture, normally i cant take picture's as im normally the one playing football with Sammy so it was a great oppununity to take some pics while Paul was at the park with us:)

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