Sunday, May 13, 2012

Valentines Day..

                                     Valentines Day..

The table is all set for our Valentine's meal..

A little something i laid on the bed for Paul for when he got out of the shower:)

Garlic bread

My Homemade Chilli

Rice boiling...

So we decided we would stay in this Valentine's day and have a special meal and relax and have cuddle while watching a movie, so i decided to make Paul's favorite meal which is a hot Chilli with Garlic bread on the side, i also brought some white wine...

While dinner was cooking i set the table and lite the candle, then i made some buns and put them in the oven while i cooked the main meal, when the buns were done i let them cool and then put hearts on a few of them..

Paul loved his chilli, Wine and buns..

Even though we didnt go out for Valentine's it was still a great night:) 

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