Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our 1st Wedding Anniversary-Part 2

Paul was taking me to my favorite restaurant Chili's in the evening, so i got all nice and dressed up, all my wall paint on-make up hehe, i also straighted my hair which to me is better then frizz anyday if you ask me lol..

Paul also put a nice shirt on and his dress shoe's, he even had a shave which is weird and unusual for a week day, he normal shaves at the weekend lol...

We then headed out to the restaurant around 7 when we got their we decided we should share a starter and order a round of drinks before ordering are main meal, so we had a mix platter for are starter that consisted of chicken wings, egg rolls and mini burgars which we thought was very tasty, so we went on to order a round of drinks for ourselves so i had a strawberry margorita and Paul had a budweiser on tap..

We then went on to order our main coarse i decided to go with Cajun chicken pasta and Paul went with a rack of ribs with a side order of fries which we enjoyed very much, we were so full that we decided against dessert and just sat and talked while we waited for the check.. All in all it was a lovely meal..

We then headed out and headed towards home but before we headed home we decided to drop in on our friend Lindsey as she offered to take some photos of me and paul while we were done up and as you can tell they turnt out well, the one posted was mine and Pauls favorite..Thanx Lindsey..I find professional photos to expensive and you only get a few photos for alot of money so i was very happy how the photo's turnt out and it didnt cost me anything..

We then headed home to cuddle up on the sofa and watch a romantic film..

So all in all it was a great day and a even greater end to our 1st year of married life and also a great celebration of more to come alot more.

America's Angel 1st wedding anniversary

Our gifts to each other on our wedding Anniversary

Well I can't believe we have just celebrated our first wedding anniversary it only feels like yesterday i was walking down the isle and saying i do, This year has just flown by..It was so exciting to be celebrating 1 year of married bliss..

We decided to exchange gift first thing in the morning as the hubby had to work.

We got each other so much it was unreal..This pic is mostly of pauls gifts as his was easier to stand hehe..
Mine as you can tell are the bears and the chocolates, My fave bear is the build a bear because it has a birth certificate with our anniversary date on which is awesome as my hubby brought it weeks ago lol.
We both loved all the gifts we got each other..
When paul got home he surprised me with more gifts which was so sweet but i forgot to take a pic of all my gifts together..
So all in all we spoilt each other but we have a good excuse we wont get another 1st wedding anniversary..
American Angel:)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Our first christmas tree

Our first christmas in Texas

This is our first christmas in Texas so i plan to make it even more special for me and Paul.

This is also the first christmas i will have off from working since me and paul meet 4 years ago which is great.

This is also the first time we have had a tree over 2ft lol so theirs alot of first's this year so this christmas has to be amazing and better then any christmas before..

Me and paul spent a sunday afternoon putting our christmas tree together we had so much fun decorating it i think it turnt out awesome seeing we have never put a tree together before..

I have already got most of everyone's gifts i have like 5 more gifts in total to get and thats it, ive also wrapped all the presents that i already have so im not to far behind..

So all in all im so looking forward to our first year in Texas..

American's Angel signing of for now.. Night:)

The house we have decided we love

The house we have choose to buy next year.
We spent months researching and viewing houses, it was very stressful but very fun, We also decided to build a house ourselves so it will be brand new when we move in which is great.
It will take at least 4 months to build if not a lil more so we have decided to start building around may and move in round december so we can spend christmas in a new house and i plan to have everything unpacked by christmas day so it will be a awesome christmas next year..So excited about everything thats happening next years, it will be a great 2nd year in texas...
Americas angel:)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What a busy last few weeks

Well these last few weeks have been hectic to say the least..

We went and got a Tree ready for chrismas and me being me decided the next day i wanted it up already, so me and paul spent half a day putting chrismas decs up it looked great and very festive.

Most of my week days for the past 2 weeks have been a blur of organising and cleaning, rea organising rooms and its entire content, ive never been this busy since trying to organise my wedding and the reception in 6 weeks including finding a dress yes i know what your thinking i must hve been crazy but i done it, thats how busy its been and im still so busy and it doesnt seem to be slowing down for me but i suppose they do say keeping busy is good for the mind lol.

Ive also been looking after my friends cats and house for a week and one day while i was waiting in for the inspector i would make it nice and sparkly for her when she gets home so she can just relax without worrying about it right away..

Friday afternoon i went with lindsey to ridgemar mall to see the opening of santa claus it was packed with kids but we got some good photo's of gwenny and we also went and got some new earring for gwen and at the end i got a pretzil which was very yummy

One day i also decided to help the hubby out as he needed to relax after work, so i went to albertson which in total is a 2 hour walk and thats not including walking up and down the isles as i dont have a car well i was nackered when i got back which is not surprising after that walk hehe..

On the weekends we have been just as busy as both weekends we have been non stop go..We spent the whole day last saturday walking round the mall looking in lots of shops, paul also brought me a adorable build a bear which i called snuggles, then after the mall we went to Cici's pizza which is all you can eat and it was very yummy...

This weekend it was go,go,go, yesterday we went sofa shopping everywhere and after hours looking at sofa's we decided to head home to have some food as we were starving..

Today we went to veiw lots of house's ready for june so they can start building our dream home, they were all so wonderful and we veiwed so many but we still want to go to more places to see more and the we went back to Ashley's which was a furniture stall had a lil look round and picked our settee and 2 seater out they are a awesome set and i also got a unusual vase for my frontroom.

So thats my 2 weeks of Go,go,go lol, hopefully this week will be a little bit more settled and calm

Keep your fingers crossed for me hehe

Night all this is america's angel signing offx

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pic Sent by dad

My dad sent me this pic over skype and i couldnt resist blogging it..
Its my mums kittens sleeping in my lil sister Kelsey's slipper boots they went in their all by themselves and spent hours sleeping in them..
I think its a awesome pic and a great capture as my dad just happened to go upstairs and see them so he ran and got the camera..

Another busy week

Well its been another busy week as usual....

At the start of the week i spent most of two days scrubing under things and making my house sparkle and i must say it looked awesome, i even washed all the skirting boards and scrubed under the hobs and plates..

Wednesday I went to see lindsey and spent a few hours their helping her pack as she wanted to get a head start, we also went for pizza my treat so we didnt have to cook for tea i had a good day..

Thursday me and lindsey went shopping at walmart, lindsey also got me a subway which was very yummy (thankyou Lindsey)..In the afternoon me and Lindsey went to Hobby Lobby and i got some great chrismas decs and then i spent a hour or so having a yap and ciggy over Lindseys, Lindsey also let me drive everywhere which was great and i done pretty well since i hadnt drove in a while (thankyou for letting me drive your car).I had a Blast and a very awesome day i was nackered after though but it was worth it..Thursday evening paul come home so it was a great end to my day..

Friday paul had the day off so we spent the day resting and catching up with mummy and daddy Jewell and then me and paul went out to walmart and got lots of stuff such as A christmas tree and lots of christmas decs, we also got treats for the tricko treaters and lots of naughty munch and a couple of scary movies for the weekend for me and paul..

The weekend we spent resting, playing games and eating lots of junk...Then saturday night Lindsey, Nick and Gwen came over in their costumes they all looked great and Gwen looked so adorable and cute in her outfit..

Sunday we spent watching movies and playing more games on our computer so all in all we had a awesome weekend unfortunatly the weekend went to fast and paul is due away tommorow so another week on my own the 4th week in a row but we will see how the week goes..

This is America's Angel signing off for tonight...

Night allx

Monday, October 25, 2010

Time to start wearing my glasses.

Well today i decided i need to start wearing my glasses more as my eyes are constantly going blurry especially watching Television, being on the computer and reading anything..
I also constantly have a headache and their not light headaches either their severe and it seems the more i dont wear my glasses the more severe the headaches..
So to save me from horrible headaches im going to bite the bullet and wear my glasses whenever i need too..
I realise today i dont look to bad in glasses lol another good thing my husband thinks i look cute which is defiantly a plus hehe..
So im going to be a good girl from now on and wear my glasses and stop worry about what i look like with glasses on...
This is America's Angel signing off...Night

Sunday, October 24, 2010

what a week???

The hand-made Halloween bucket i made..

Well this week has been hectic and nonstop for me..

Ive done lots of cleaning, seeing it was only me and the cats dueing the week it makes me wonder how it gets so dirty and by dirty i mean clean or thats what my husband says's when he asks me what im upto for the day and my reply is cleaning and his exact reply to that is what's dirty lol...

I looked after gwenny bug on thursday for her mummy as she needed a few hours to sort a few things out..

I went to the store more then once this week for odd bits and bobs..Lindsey let me drive which was awesome as i need the practise...

Ive done some new scrapbook pages which if i do say so myself turnt out really well (Pics to come)..

I also made a special halloween bucket for gwen as its her first halloween she is older enough to eat candy and understand what halloween is about..So i thought i would make it extra special and make her something as a surprise and i think she will love it..

I also baked some muffins and scones which looked awsome and taste as good as they looked as well..

So all in all its been a nonstop week, hopefully this week we be more relaxed and less go go as im now ready to not move for the next week hehe..

This is America's Angel signing off for bed...Nightx

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Our kitty is growing so fast:)

Tigger went from being so small and innocent 2-3 weeks ago when we first adopted him at 5 months old, we brought him home and compared to our 2 year old cat willow he was tiny, we knew by the size of his paws he would be a big cat because compared to willows paws they were huge but i just didnt expect him to get so big so fast, but he has and he isnt even 6 months old yet so its scary to think how big he is going to get as you can tell by both the pics he has grown alot since 2-3 weeks ago..

But the bit that upsets me abit is my hubby paul has been away alot since we got him, i think in the last 3 weeks he has only been home for about 5-7 days so he hasnt had much time with Tigger and
I think he is going to get abit upset when he gets back from being away to realise he is no longer small and a kitten and also that he has missed out on how much he has changed, like when we first got Tigger willow didnt like him and now they sleep together, play together and chase each other around the house and he also missed Willow and Tigger climbing the cat tree together and laying on the ledge together which i thought was great and it was Willows first time on going on the cat tree so he missed that too...I know it may sound corny but we havent got a child yet so are kitties are our babies so its like a mile stone in a childs life, everything are kitties do is a big deal and paul has missed it all, i just hope he doesnt get to upset as when he was back for a few days he said to me how big he was getting and he looked abit upset about it..

Well what can i do i can't stop him growing im just glad he has settled in and he and Willow get on well as we adopted them both so they both had a bad start in life, but hopefully we can give them both lots of happy memories to push out the bad one's, i already plan to spoil them both for christmas as this will be Tiggers 1st chrismas and this will be Willows 2nd chrismas but she spent her 1st christmas in the shelter waiting to be adopted so we are going to make it extra special for them..

We love both are kitties and im glad we choose to adopt, only problem if i had my choice i would adopt every cat from the shelter so my husband is keeping me away from their lol, i dont blame him really hehe..

This is America's angel signing out, Night allxxx

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tiggers first bath

Well Tiggers first bath was interesting, well what can i say a cat and a bath full of water doesn't make a good combination, he went nuts screaching and clawing the side of the bath trying to get up the side of the bath, luckly i didnt get clawed but after getting use to the water he just sat their and let me shampoo him which was great...It needed to be done as meany me i aciddently spilt chicken juice on him and he couldnt lick himself he would have got ill....

I then had to fight with Tigger to dry him with a towel which was fun as he kept escaping from the towel and running under things so i couldnt reach him lol, but finally i got him dry, well i didnt want him smelling of wet cat haha, but he wasnt happy with me for hours after wards and went on his cat tree so i couldnt reach him and faced the oppisite way lol so i think i will only bath him when it is needed..

This is America's Angel signing off...night everyone

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our new kitty

Well we decided to get another cat so willow would have some company as she doesnt like being on her own, we decided to get a male cat as appartently they would get on better and we ended up falling in love with a 5 month old kitten and we called him Tigger, he is so cute....

He is a strippy and spotty ginger and has a very long tail, he is so full of energy and does the weirdest things such as sitting in the litter tray, sleeping on the end table even though their is a comfy settee right next to him lol and he also has a thing for laying on my head while im asleep which is actually more annoying then funny and weird lol.

As you can tell by the picture another cat that is no longer all for me as from the minute paul got home from oklohoma Tigger has been all for Paul just like every other cat we have had and im the one that feeds them and changes their litter everyday which i think is cheeky, Tigger is constantly laying on Paul and wanting love off paul lol.

As for Tigger and Willow it only took them a few days to start getting on which is great and they now sleep next to each other during the day and chase each other round the house like manics and make lots of noise lol...

So all in all getting another cat was a great idea and willow now has company..

For now this is America's Angel signing off, night allx

Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Day?

Well what can i say i have had a few busy days so far, Sunday i decided in the afternoon i needed to scrub the fridge inside and out and also cleared out the fridge of all the old stuff even though it wasnt out of date but i thought it needed to go lol, I then decided to take all the cushions off the settee and wash and dry them and i also scrubed the arms and back of the settee down with soapy hot water and if i do say so myself it made it all worth it because my settee now smells lovely.

Then today i decided to move our spare room around and clear out loads of junk and it looks so spacious in our spare room now it also looks sparkly and clean again, then i decided to hoover every room and wask all the hard floors, and then i scrubbed the kitchen clean and i must say im loving the way my house looks right now unfortunaty it doesnt stay this clean for more then a few days lol oh well i guess im so lucky i love to clean so much haha..

Ive now decided to sit down and relax till bed time as i have another busy day tommorow, no surprise their then hehe..

Oh everyone needs to watch flicka the original its fanatisic ive watched it 3 times because i love it that much what can i say im a sucker for a sad film but its sad in a good way and it has to be a good film because Tim McGraw is in it and he done a great job. So watch it your love it too...

Well im off to relax so this is America's Angel signing off all the way from America:)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Another day in America as America's Angel, their should officially be a law about getting up at 5 in the morning, its just not right they should ban it and let people get up at the earliest 7 even my cat agrees with me only difference between me and my kitty is she will sleep for most of the day where i cant which i think is totally mean lol..

Ive already had to have 2 coffee's to wake myself up and its only 7:30, i wonder how many more coffee's i will have today probably alot more.

Well i guess we will see what the rest of the day brings im already guessing washing, cleaning, dishes and cooking and thats only a small part of my day, then ill probably sort through draws and paperwork, when i got married i never guessed part of my wifly job would be filling and sorting but i must admit i enjoy every minute of it as my husband provides for me in every other way, as they say he takes care of the bills and i take care of the house and this is a very true saying lol.. Well this is America's Angel signing off from America lol.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our New Zealand Vacation

We had spent 2 months planning our vacation to New Zealand and for once it all worked out and went well lol.

The flight was very long and tiring it took over 13 hours from LA to Auckland to get their but it was well worth it as we had so much fun and went so many different places.

We arrived in at Auckland at around 7 in the morning, So it gave us all day to catch up with Mummy and Daddy Jewell.

The first day we were their we just settled in and spent the day catching up and chatting with Mummy and Daddy Jewell, we also played the Wii together which was fun..

Me and Mummy Jewell also spent a few hours of our first day doing magazine crossword puzzles and while we done that we also had a catch up without the boys and lots of coffee which was unreal lol..

But it was a great first day and it give us a chance to relax after such a long flight and we missed Mummy and Daddy Jewell so much we hadnt seen them in over 2 years since they moved out to new Zealand
The second day we were their we went to Auckland Zoo.. Their was so many animals their to see such as Meerkats, Lions, Zebra's, Giraffe's, Hippo's, Rhino's, Elephants, Flamingos, Birds, huge Turtles, Otters, Lizards, Snakes, Cheater's and lots of different Monkey's.

We walked so much in the Morning, We had lunch at the zoo and a nice cuppa i think it was well deserved..
We must of spent over 5 hours at the Zoo and walked miles, so by the end of the day are feet was killing and we couldnt wait to get back and put our feet up.
In the night time we decided to watch a movie and rest are feet well you can guess what happened me and Mummy Jewell fell asleep while watching the movie and we all decided to have a early night.

The third day we decided to spend in so we could rest are feet as they were still killing us and the whether was horrible and it was also freezing.
Me and Mummy Jewell deciding to carry on doing magazine crosswords together and Paul and Daddy Jewell played the Wii for hours..
We enjoyed just being able to relax and spend a quiet day in with the parents and we defiantly had alot to catch up on in the years we hadnt seen them.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My new life in america.

We have been here 5 weeks so far and for me everyday seems the same as i have to wait three months for my work visa to come, im so not use to having a day's off and now i have everyday off and to be honest im bored, bored out of my mind..

My husband is why we relocated here as he got offered a job here in the oil field, he is enjoying so far, but the down side we still havent got paid.. Tip for everyone who plans to relocate here, when you come to find a house also take a trip to the social security office and applie for your's as my husband is still waiting for his and every 2 weeks we ring they say still being processed and it could take another 30days and that has happened 3 times...

You need a social security number for everything here, and because we dont have one, we have had to give the electric company $250 just to get a eletric in are new appartment and that goes for everything. (tv, water, phone, internet, getting a mobile and so on.

So we are hoping to get paid soon but to be honest it doesnt look likely to be soon.
