Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our Kitties new litter trey

All of the above is my cats new self cleaning litter tray...
My Husband brought this litter tray to help me out as on top of my normal hectic and busy day i was constantly doing litter as im not 1 of those people that can just leave wee sat their, i wish i was because i must of been cleaning litter about 15 time's a day before i got this new litter tray.
Its a self cleaning Litter tray and i must say its the greatest inventure ever made, well in my book it's the greatest invention ever..
Personally i think my husband wanted me to think he brought it for me but he really brought it to help him out when i go away but either way im very grateful as it save's me lots of time out of a day..

America's Angel:)

How much me and paul have changed in 4 years

Above Me and Paul not long after we met:)
Above Me and Paul A few weeks after we met..
Above Me and Paul Now.
Above Me and Paul the other day..

I found some old pics of Me and Paul when we first started going out 4 years ago and was looking at photo's of Me and Paul ive took recently and it shocked me how much we have changed in 4 years.

To me it looks like we have changed so drastically in 4 years, it's unbelievable.

But one thing is for sure are love has grown so strong in 4 years and it will only keep getting stronger with each day that goes by..

I love you my gorgeous hubbyxx

America's Angelx

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

These our some cute pics

Above My sister Amy 6Yrs old, My cousin Jade 1Yrs old,
My brother Arron 7Yrs old and me 5Yrs old
out Pasley Street where we use to live.
Above Me at a few months old with my Nanny Lakey outside
their house.
Above Me at a few months old with my Nanny Lakey
outside their house..
Above Me at a few days old with my Nanny Lakey
outside their House.
Above Me on my 1st Birthday with My Mum
outside my Grandparents house..
Well i thought i would blog these photo's because they mean alot to me, espiecally the one's of me and my Nanny as she passed way 3 years ago now of Cancer and she meant the world to me, so these photos are very precious to me..
Till a few days ago i had never seen the one of Me and my Nanny when i was a few days old, My Dad sent them to me as i asked him for a few of me when i was a baby, so i thought it was awesome when he sent me these.
So thankyou dad you made my day
America's Angel:)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Scrapbook Page's

Above my scrapbook album.
Above My 2008 christmas scrapbooking.
Above my 2008 christmas scrapbooking.
Above my 2008 christmas scrapbooking..
Above my 2008 christmas scrapbooking.
Above scrapbooking 2006..
Above christmas day in work 2008
Above christmas in work 2008..
Above christmas at work 2008..
Above New years eve scrapbooking 2008.
Above christmas scrapbooking 2008
Above New Years eve scrapbooking 2008.
Above New Year eve scrapbooking 2008
Above christmas hoilday season scrapbooking 2008.
Above Chistmas holiday season scrapbooking 2008.
Above Chistmas seoson scrapbooking 2008.
Above Pauls 27th birhday scrapbooking 2009.
Above Pauls 27th birthday scrapbooking 2009.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mine and Gwens Art Projects

Above Gwen painting her pumpkin for Halloween.
Above Me and Gwen painting a Halloween Pumpkin.
Above Me and Gwen showing off our reindeer we made.
Above Me and Gwen Showing off the Candles i made.
Above Me and Gwen showing off the Christmas Candle's i made.
Above Gwen digging into her Halloween bucket i made her:)
Above me Showing Gwen her Halloween bucket i made her..
Me, Lindsey and Gwen always had so much fun doing are art project, we always had one on the go whether it was scrapbooking or doing Gwenny projects, but one thing is certain im going to miss mine and Lindsey's endless art project and learning lots of new things from Lindsey.
I Miss You Guys:(