Saturday, January 8, 2011

So much to celebrate in december

Well i haven't been blogging in 4 weeks because it has been so hard to find time to do any as for me this is a busy month where theirs alot to celebrate..

First was our 1st wedding anniversary on the 1st of december, then i had to get all the presents off to england on the 15th december for my family, then on the 18th it was my 22nd birthday, it was also my Cousin Saskias 1st birthday, then on the 19th my 1st great cousin Mason was born he is such a cutie, then it was my cousin Kerries birthday, then it was christmas and New Years day so its alot to celebrate in one month..

I was also helping my friend pack up her house to move to Houston on the 3rd of January..

So for me its the hardest and nonestop month of the year for me, Hopefully i will be able to slow down and catch my breathe soon...

America's angel

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