Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas day, Me and Paul exchanging gifts..2010

Above Paul opening his Christmas card from me.
Above Me opening my christmas card from Paul.
Above Paul digging deep into his christmas stocking.
Above Paul just about to dig into his christmas stocking.
Above me just opening my charmed box set from my hubby:)
Above me just opening my friends box set from my hubby.
Above Paul just unwrapped his time machine clock I got him.
Above Paul unwraping his time machine clock i brought him.
Above Paul unwraping His picture i framed for him.
Above paul just unwraped his Disney cup i brought him.Above Me just opening the book i wanted that Paul brought me.
Above Paul just unwraped His Dilbert book i brought him.
Above Me just opening my gift from Paul.
It was our 1st christmas away from my family and in Texas.
We had a great christmas day and it was packed full of joy.
We got so many gift from everyone and we also spoilt each other like rotten, we spent most of the morning playing with or playing our gifts, it was a amazing 1st christmas in Texas..
America Angel's

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