Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Years Eve 2010

Above Gwen wanted to join in the fun:)
Above Paul, Nick, Me and Gwen showing how much fun we
are having on New Years Eve:)
Above Me and Gwen throwing the dice:)
Above Paul, Nick and Me Playing the Simpsons..
Also above Gwen showing us how to really play hehe:)
Above the Simspons board game we were playing on
New Years Eve.
Above Lindsey and Paul showing how much fun their having
on New Years Eve:)
Above Gwen helping her Daddy to play The Simpsons:)
Also Paul waiting for his turn in the game..
Above Paul enjoying The Simspons board game he got
from Lindsey and Nick for Christmas:)
Above Lindsey with her New Years Eve balloon:)
Above Gwen look very guilty i wonder why??
Oh yeah she was hiding the dice hehe:)
Above Gwen doing a little boogie hehe
Above Gwenny and mummy playing on New Years Eve:)
Above Gwen and mummy having a New years eve boogie:)
Above Gwen and Lindsey having fun:)
Above Me and Nick on New Years Day:)
Above Me and Paul on New Years Day..
As you can tell we had a awesome night with our friends.
We done so much for new years, we had lots of food and drink and we even got to see our first lot of fireworks since being in texas, it wasnt as good of a display as we imagined but we still enjoyed being able to stand and watch them with our friends..
It was a great way to bring in the new year (2011)..

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