Saturday, January 15, 2011

My 22nd birthday night out

Above Lindsey, Me and Paul at The Fox and Hound.
Above Nick and Paul at The Great Notion.
Above Lindsey, Me and Rosa at The Great Notion.
Above Me, Rosa and her husband Jamie at The Great Notion.
Above Paul and Me doing Karoke at The Great Notion..
Above Rosa, Me and Lindsey doing karoke at The Great Notion.

My 22nd birthday night out at The Fox and Hound and The Great Notion..
So the night before my 22nd birthday Paul decided to take me out for my birthday so we could have a laugh and spend some time with a old friend and meet our new friends and i must say it was a awesome idea..
First we got ready and then we headed out to pick Lindsey up from her house, then all three of us headed out to the first bar which was the fox and hound which is about a 5 minute drive from where we live, we got their and ordered our first round of drinks which was 2 Screw Drivers for me and Lindsey and Paul ordered himself a cold pint while we waited for our friends Rosa and Jamie and when they arrived we ordered another round of drinks before heading out to The Great Notion where we were going to do karoke and spend the rest of the night.
When we Got to The Great Notion we found our seats and then headed to the bar to order a round of drinks so we could sit and chat with, we all had such a laugh gossiping and doing karoke, we all had a go singing which was awesome, Me and Rosa even got up and danced our butts off which was great as i can't remember the last time i had a boogie hehe..
All in all it was a great night and we all had a blast..
Americans Angel:)

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