Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I'm having one of those day's

I needed to vent as im having one of those days today..

I love my life but somedays i get down about our lil angel that grew wings and this time last year is when we conceived our angel but you couldnt stay god needed you more i just wish we could have meet you..

The quote below is what my Auntie posted on her wall and its so true so i just needed to post it in respect of my Auntie and all our sweet Angels that grew wings..

Baby loss is not an illness, i will not "get better" over time, i will just learn to live with the pain, don't change the subject when i talk about my child, ive told their story once & i will do a thousand times more, please think before you speak & if you don't know what to say, then just hug me & shed a tear, for the ones that cry with me, ill hold close to my heart forever xxMy Angel that grew wings and my darling cousin kane who are dearly missedxx

America's Angel

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I won't be able to blog for the next 2 weeks:(

I will have some major updates to make on my blog in the upcoming days but unfortunatly your have to wait 2 weeks due to being major busy with finishing packing up the house, cleaning, getting carpet cleaners in and moving into are new house, we also wont get internet right away so wont be able to get online.

I look forward to updating you on the next 2 weeks to come when i get back online..

So i look forward to blogging for you all in a few weeks.. Im offically going to miss blogging for you my awesome follower's and sharing my journey in America...

See you soon:)

A few Items for our Garden

                                        A Few Items for our Garden..

The new items for the garden..

My new garden cutlery..

My new salt,pepper and stick holders..

My new salt,pepper and stick holders..

My garden Plates, Bowls and Cups..

So over the lasts few weeks ive been so excited i have been buying new item's for our new house and i picked up these on sale at Walgreen's for our new garden..

I thought when we have our house warming party, we our hoping to have a BBQ for friends and instead of breaking the china which i would probably do i would get colourful plates, bowls and cups that i couldnt break hehe..

So i am looking forward to putting them out on our garden table which will make the table look nice and colourful hehe..

My new theme for my new Kitchen:)

                                   My new theme for my new Kitchen:)

A few new items for my new kitchen..

So i have been trying to think for the last few weeks what theme i was going to do in my kitchen because im excited that im getting a new kitchen and i have never had a good enough kitchen to bother with a theme, but the other day i was out at Walmart and i seen a kitchen towel, a oven mit and Place mats and they had a cute fat chef on and were red which is Pauls favourite colour and i couldnt resist and i have the theme for my new kitchen at long last yay me..

So i went around looking for plates and kitchen decoration that matched and i found everything i need from Hobby Lobby and they have the cute fat chef on and are red so once we have moved i will go get the whole collection for my kitchen i can't wait..

I will post pics of my new kitchen theme once i have it all set up and picture ready hehe..

Paul Spoiling the cats again lol

                                     Paul Spoiling the Cats again hehe..

Willow and Tiggers new water Bowl..

My husband and his gadgets..

Its a automatic water bowl..

Willow and Tigger new water fountin..

Well what can i say my husband spoils are cats rotten all the time, if it isnt a automatic water dispencer then its new toys, i have lost count of how many toys they have, Everytime we go to get cat litter at Pet Smart my husband picks something new up for the 2 spoilt kitties lol..

Pauls reasoning for buying this is because Tigger drinks from the tap when Paul is brushing his teeth and Willow like cold water, i think it was hilorious when he told me, i would rather he just came out and said i want to buy this for the cats because i love to spoil them hehe..

So this is their new water bowl and what it does is it cools and continuely runs the water so it doesnt go stail during the hot days, which is good because both our cats drink lots because of this heat so we want it to be nice and cold for them during the day..

We do love our precious kittie's

My awesome new gift from Paul

                                My awesome new gift from Paul..

I'm going to love filling all these frame's with pics..

My New 3 Panel room devider photo frame..

Isnt it beautiful, My lovely husband brought it for me as a present and when i asked him why he brought it he said just because i wanted to (aww bless him)

Any one that knows me know's i love photo's and have so many frames ive lost count of them, so to cut down on to many frames and still be able to put pics out this was the best present ever for me.

I was so surprised when my husband gave it to me and was so excited lol, i couldnt stop thanking my husband for being such a darling..

Thankyou baby for getting me such a lovely gift..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Me and Paul On the holiday weekend...

                                 Me And Paul On The Holiday Weekend...

Me and Paul Having a moment..

Me and Paul having a cuddle..

Me and Paul..

Paul sticking his tongue out and me smiling about it hehe..

Me and Paul on the holiday weekend relaxing and spending some time together, I take alot of photos now aday's of me and Paul and at every opputunity i get..

The main reason for taking so many photo's is because the first year me and Paul was together we didnt own a camera so we only got a few of us together and a few of all the outings we took so now i take advantage of me having a camera and take loads of pics of our family and every adventure i go on..

Paul hates when i say picture please as i say it so often these days but he knows the reason behind it and has his picture taken when ever i say picture time which is awesome..

Thankyou Baby your the greatest:)x

I sold my Settee bed..

                                          I Sold My Sofa Bed..

The Sofa Bed with Matress...

The Sofa Bed

The Sofa Bed Half Way Out..

The Sofa Bed Being Put Back in..

Well the other day i got so fed up we seeing this Sofa not because its ugly but because it doesnt match our other 2 that we just brought and it had no place in our new house, so i decided instead of keeping it and it just being another thing to move i would sell it too someone who needed it..

As you can see it looks brand new and the bed and mattress had never been slept on, i also washed the cushion covers so they smelled nice and fresh ready for the new owners..

I went on Graigs List and wrote a add, I decided to sell it For $50.00 which i think is really cheap for a sofa with a pull out bed..

Within 10 Minutes of posting my add i was getting phone calls and within 2 hours a lady, her Husband and her 5 kids came to collect it so it was a bargain and she knew it, she was very grateful, She said she wouldnt have been able to afford a brand new one, so i was very chuffed that i sold it cheap to someone that actually needed it..

Go me lol.

Tigger being random and cute all at the same time..

                                      Tigger Being Random and Cute...

Tigger laying in his empty litter tray..

Tigger laying in a litter tray, don't worry i just washed it haha..

Tigger posing for the camera..

Tigger sitting on Pauls Labtop table..

Tigger trying to hide on Pauls labtop table..

Tigger chilling out..

Tigger laying so funny..

Tigger not impressed with the flash from the camera...

Tigger hiding his face with his paw lol..

Tigger doing Yoga in his sleep lol..

Tigger is a odd ball and sometimes naughty he thinks everything is a toy but you can never be mad at him because he has the sweetest face..

Tigger i would say is a bush dweller because he like his feet on the floor, he sleeps in the corner and under the tables but he also like's to sleep on the bed at night with me and Paul, so he is very loving cat..

Tigger also doesnt like being left alone or to be shut out of rooms espiecally if we are in them, so we dont shut any doors to either cat's, we let them go where they want as they are very good cat's and normally wont mess with anything which is really good..

Tigger maybe be a odd ball but he is so loving and has the cutest face...

Willow Being so cute..

                                          Willow being so cute...

Willow being a cutie..

Aww so precious...

Sleeping On the bed...

That face just said im cute hehe..

Willow Sleeping..

A close up on how cute willow is hehe..

Willow taking a nap..

Willow being adorable..

Isn't she the cutest thing, She is just the most adorable cat i have ever seen, as you can probably tell i love to take photos of my kittie's and blog about them...

She is a tree cat as she spend most of her days when we are not in sleeping on her large cat tree and hiding from Tigger lol...

I also find her every afternoon in on the bed right in the veiw of the window, always the same time of day so im guessing thats when the sun is at its highest and beems in on her...

Willow doesnt like being left on her own or being shut our so we dont shut any of the door's on either cats so they have the run of the house because they are very good cats...

Me and Paul with Our Babie's

                                             Me And Paul With Our Babie's...

Me and Willow..

Me and Tigger..

Paul chilling with Tigger..

Paul chilling with Tigger again...

Tigger laying at my feet...

Willow laying at my feet..

Me and Willow having cuddles..

Me and willow feeling sleepy..

Me and Willow chilling on the bed..

Me giving Kisses to Willow..

Me and Willow posing for the Camera...

Me and Paul With our to precious kittie's, They are both cute and love to cuddle which we love as me and the hubby love our cuddle's with our babie's..

If Paul doesnt give Willow face cuddle's when he come's in from work she gets really annoyed and start wondering around the kitchen waiting for her cuddles which i think is so cute and adorable, Where as Tigger waits by the front door for Paul to get in from work and follows him around the house till after tea then they lay on the floor and play together for about 30 mins..

 So they are both very loving cats and we show them love right back as they are 2 cutie pies and we cant imagine not having them around..

My Homemade Cottage Pie..

                                               My Homemade Cottage Pie..

Mixed Mince and veg with tomato Puree..

My Cottage Pie in the making..

My Cheesy mash ready to go on the cottage pie..

My Cottage Pie ready to go in the Oven..

The top of my cottage pie

My Yummy Cottage Pie..

1 word Yummy..

My Cottage Pie ready to eat..

The Cheesy top to my cottage pie..

My Yummy Cottage Pie..

My Yummy Cottage Pie made from scratch, this is one of my husbands favourite's as it has so many flavour's, My Mum inlaw Gave me this awesome recipe and i have been doing it the same way since which has been about 2 years now..

Its just another recipe that will be going into my recipe box and i also love to make..

It takes about 30 mins to make up which includes 20 mins to boil the potataoes and then another 30-40 in the oven to cook, so mostly waiting time for letting it cook in the oven which is not hard really well i dont think its hard anyway lol..

So after about 1 hour you will have a nice hot and Yummy Cottage Pie which is well worth the time..