Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Me and Paul On the holiday weekend...

                                 Me And Paul On The Holiday Weekend...

Me and Paul Having a moment..

Me and Paul having a cuddle..

Me and Paul..

Paul sticking his tongue out and me smiling about it hehe..

Me and Paul on the holiday weekend relaxing and spending some time together, I take alot of photos now aday's of me and Paul and at every opputunity i get..

The main reason for taking so many photo's is because the first year me and Paul was together we didnt own a camera so we only got a few of us together and a few of all the outings we took so now i take advantage of me having a camera and take loads of pics of our family and every adventure i go on..

Paul hates when i say picture please as i say it so often these days but he knows the reason behind it and has his picture taken when ever i say picture time which is awesome..

Thankyou Baby your the greatest:)x

1 comment:

  1. Great pics. They will be cool to see as you grow older and see the changes. Gail
