Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My awesome new gift from Paul

                                My awesome new gift from Paul..

I'm going to love filling all these frame's with pics..

My New 3 Panel room devider photo frame..

Isnt it beautiful, My lovely husband brought it for me as a present and when i asked him why he brought it he said just because i wanted to (aww bless him)

Any one that knows me know's i love photo's and have so many frames ive lost count of them, so to cut down on to many frames and still be able to put pics out this was the best present ever for me.

I was so surprised when my husband gave it to me and was so excited lol, i couldnt stop thanking my husband for being such a darling..

Thankyou baby for getting me such a lovely gift..

1 comment:

  1. This is truly beautiful. What a wonderful gift. Paul has very good taste. But of course he married you , so we already knew that.
