Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tigger being random and cute all at the same time..

                                      Tigger Being Random and Cute...

Tigger laying in his empty litter tray..

Tigger laying in a litter tray, don't worry i just washed it haha..

Tigger posing for the camera..

Tigger sitting on Pauls Labtop table..

Tigger trying to hide on Pauls labtop table..

Tigger chilling out..

Tigger laying so funny..

Tigger not impressed with the flash from the camera...

Tigger hiding his face with his paw lol..

Tigger doing Yoga in his sleep lol..

Tigger is a odd ball and sometimes naughty he thinks everything is a toy but you can never be mad at him because he has the sweetest face..

Tigger i would say is a bush dweller because he like his feet on the floor, he sleeps in the corner and under the tables but he also like's to sleep on the bed at night with me and Paul, so he is very loving cat..

Tigger also doesnt like being left alone or to be shut out of rooms espiecally if we are in them, so we dont shut any doors to either cat's, we let them go where they want as they are very good cat's and normally wont mess with anything which is really good..

Tigger maybe be a odd ball but he is so loving and has the cutest face...

1 comment:

  1. I love to watch the animals at play. They sure have a rough life with us humans, don't they?
