Monday, July 4, 2011

My Homemade Herb Potataoe's

My Homemade Herb Potatoe's...

My Yummy Homemade Potatoe's...

My Herb Potatoe's..

My Homemade Herb Potatoe's...

As you can tell by a few of my blogs i love to cook homemade meals fresh and this is one of my favorite's things to make one because their easy to make and 2 they taste awesome..

My friend Gail has tried most of my Recipe's She tried my Roast Potatoe's with Gravy and My Chicken curry and she loved them both and she is a great help as i like to know how they taste to a person other them myself lol..

She hasnt tasted my Herb Potatoe's yet but i plan to let her as i think she will like them because they have so many different flavours but their so Yummy..

They take about 15 mins to boil and then a few mins on each side in a frying pan but you only use a dribble of oil else they will just taste Greasy which is a discusting taste i think so in total they take about 25 mins to make which i think is nothing for a nice flavour and filling meal..

1 comment:

  1. I love potatoes. They are my favorite I think. I enjoy some form of potato with every meal I think.
    Love Gail
