Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My new theme for my new Kitchen:)

                                   My new theme for my new Kitchen:)

A few new items for my new kitchen..

So i have been trying to think for the last few weeks what theme i was going to do in my kitchen because im excited that im getting a new kitchen and i have never had a good enough kitchen to bother with a theme, but the other day i was out at Walmart and i seen a kitchen towel, a oven mit and Place mats and they had a cute fat chef on and were red which is Pauls favourite colour and i couldnt resist and i have the theme for my new kitchen at long last yay me..

So i went around looking for plates and kitchen decoration that matched and i found everything i need from Hobby Lobby and they have the cute fat chef on and are red so once we have moved i will go get the whole collection for my kitchen i can't wait..

I will post pics of my new kitchen theme once i have it all set up and picture ready hehe..

1 comment:

  1. Your kitchen shall be a wonderful place to create meals for Paul and You. Most Exciting.
