Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Willow Being so cute..

                                          Willow being so cute...

Willow being a cutie..

Aww so precious...

Sleeping On the bed...

That face just said im cute hehe..

Willow Sleeping..

A close up on how cute willow is hehe..

Willow taking a nap..

Willow being adorable..

Isn't she the cutest thing, She is just the most adorable cat i have ever seen, as you can probably tell i love to take photos of my kittie's and blog about them...

She is a tree cat as she spend most of her days when we are not in sleeping on her large cat tree and hiding from Tigger lol...

I also find her every afternoon in on the bed right in the veiw of the window, always the same time of day so im guessing thats when the sun is at its highest and beems in on her...

Willow doesnt like being left on her own or being shut our so we dont shut any of the door's on either cats so they have the run of the house because they are very good cats...

1 comment:

  1. Taking a cat nap, while watching the TV? Our Memory likes to watch TV sometimes depending what is on. Cats are strange critters and so are dogs, but so different. They are little peoples. Gail
