Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My cats love the Sun and The Window hehe:)

                                  My Cats having a sun bathing session:)

My two Babie's..

Tigger and Willow..

My Kitties..

My kittie's looking out the window..

Who's those kittie's in the window hehe..

Tigger laid on the window sile and Willow popping her head round the corner hehe..

My 2 cuties..

My little mutchkins..

Tiggert watching Willow look at the window hehe

Ohhhh Whats that Its only a car Tigger and Willow haha..

Look at those cute face's looking back at me Ahhh...

My babies are so cute they love to lay in the Sun but they are in door cats so they dont get to go lay in the sun directly but so they could enjoy the sun shine i pulled the blind up in the bedroom, opened the window for the air to get in so they could feel it and i also put a comfy Blanket down on the chester draws so they both had enough room to lay and chill in front of the Sun..

Just to clear up what i said up, when we adopted them on their paper work it said indoor only, but we also keep them in because their both very pretty and so-one may steal them and Willow doesnt like beng touched other then by me and my husband, she is very afraid due to previous circumstances before we got her and Tigger well its Tigger hes loopy lol and probably wouldnt find his way back..

So we just would rather be safe then sorry because their our babies and we love them far to much and if 1 of them ever went missing well i couldnt imagine it...

I love my puddy cats..

1 comment:

  1. They are lovely. Our cat stays in as well. It also helps so she does not bring home fleas or ticks. Little pest I do want in my home. You just never know what mischief they will find out doors. It is truly very hot out and they need lots of water and love. Thank you for sharing your lovely puddy cats. GAIL
