Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My cats love the Sun and The Window hehe:)

                                  My Cats having a sun bathing session:)

My two Babie's..

Tigger and Willow..

My Kitties..

My kittie's looking out the window..

Who's those kittie's in the window hehe..

Tigger laid on the window sile and Willow popping her head round the corner hehe..

My 2 cuties..

My little mutchkins..

Tiggert watching Willow look at the window hehe

Ohhhh Whats that Its only a car Tigger and Willow haha..

Look at those cute face's looking back at me Ahhh...

My babies are so cute they love to lay in the Sun but they are in door cats so they dont get to go lay in the sun directly but so they could enjoy the sun shine i pulled the blind up in the bedroom, opened the window for the air to get in so they could feel it and i also put a comfy Blanket down on the chester draws so they both had enough room to lay and chill in front of the Sun..

Just to clear up what i said up, when we adopted them on their paper work it said indoor only, but we also keep them in because their both very pretty and so-one may steal them and Willow doesnt like beng touched other then by me and my husband, she is very afraid due to previous circumstances before we got her and Tigger well its Tigger hes loopy lol and probably wouldnt find his way back..

So we just would rather be safe then sorry because their our babies and we love them far to much and if 1 of them ever went missing well i couldnt imagine it...

I love my puddy cats..

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Sims 3 Generations..

The Sims 3 Generations...

I love this game and have become obsessed with playing it in my spare time, i think this game is awesome and defiantly worth the money, i would defiantly recommend this to anyone that love's the normally version..

It is a add on Pack to the Sims 3 and has only just hit the shelves in store's and the minute it came out i went and got it because i had been waiting for it to come out..

Their is another add on packs coming out at the end of the year Sims Pets which is with every pet imaginable and im excited about it as i will get that add on pack too once its out lol..

Enjoy a whole spectrum of rich life experiences with your Sims! Start off in the imagination-fuelled world of childhood and embrace the drama of the teen years. Experience the complicated realities of adult life, then reap the benefits of growing up in each life stage. A wealth of new options and activities makes your Sims’ lives more meaningful than ever before, whatever their ages. With new celebrations, dramatic life events, and all-new ways for your Sims to express their creativity, The Sims 3 Generations lets your Sims live life to the fullest!
  • Sims of every age can enjoy new activities! Kids can hang out with friends in tree houses. Teens can pull hilarious pranks. Adults can suffer midlife crises. And so much more!
  • Whether it’s a raging all-teen party while the parents are out, a high school graduation or an official wedding ceremony, new celebrations make every age more fun!
  • From bachelor party hi-jinks to getting in trouble for bad grades to hearing rumors around town about Sims who cheat on their spouses, hilarity ensues when new drama unfolds!
  • Sims will enjoy all-new ways to be creative including tinkering with chemistry sets, making their own home movies that they can watch on their own TVs, playing make believe as an astronaut, dinosaur, princess, and more!

All of the new activities, celebrations, and drama are easier than ever to remember and reminisce about with a new Memories system that keeps track of major life moments and also lets you share them on Facebook or your Sims My Page!

Above is what is on the back of the Sims 3 Generation pack and what you now can do while playing the sims..

My treat for the hubby...

My treat for my Husband after a long day at work...

The bubble bath i ran my husband before he got home from work..

The bubble bath i ran my husband before he got home from work..
Also the candle's i lite for him..

I also made my hubby his favorite meal and layed the table nicely..

I also made my hubby his favorite meal and layed the table nicely..

I also made my hubby his favorite meal and Had a glass of wine waiting for him..

My husbands dinner set ready and waiting..

So the other day i thought my husbands been working so hard and i should show him how much i appreiate all his hard work..

So before my Hubby got home i ran a nice hot bubble bath with candles for him so he could come home and relax in it after a long and hard day at work..

Then i set the Table like we were in a resturante all nice and organised, then i poured him a glass of his favorite wine which is red and to top it off i cooked his favorite meal which is a chicken curry..

Well he walked in and loved it and wondered why and the exact words i used was just because i love you and know how hard you work for our family, aww arnt i sweet hehe..

It may just seem like a small surprise and very simple but to me and Paul who are constantly busy its the small and simple things we do for each other that count's and love about each other...

Officially fed up with Packing..

Officially fed up with Packing and seeing Boxes every where..

Boxes everywhere grr..

More Boxes...

And More Boxes....

Well im officially fed up with packing and seeing boxes everywhere i just can't wait to move and not have to see loads of boxes everywhere any more..

When i started packing i didnt think we had that much but i was defiantly wrong we have so much everywhere, i defiantly realise now im a collector of everything and anything lol..

Luckly i only have a few small bits to pack away thank god as it feels like all i have done in the last month is pack and organise..

I shouldnt have to see the boxes for much longer as we should move into our new house in the nest week and i cant wait, very very excited is the word lol..

My Awesome Booties..

                                            My Awesome Booties..

My new bootie's...

Arent they awesome..

They are so comfy..

Me wearing my booties hehe...

So cool i love them...

The sides of my new booties..

These are a pair of adult high top booties my friend gail made them for me and i absolutly love them, they are so comfy and also very colourful which i love..

I have already ordered another pair i love them that much, this time im getting them in a turqouise which will look lovely..

Thankyou Gail for my booties..

These are $16 a pair and are so worth every penny because Gail puts alot of her time into just 1 pair and they come out looking awesome and very high quality as well...

If you think you would love a pair of these gorgeous Adult booties you can visit her website just click on the link below...

Gail also makes High top Baby Booties which are so cute and she sells them on the same site too only $10 a pair, i also blogged picture's and information on the baby booties on a previous blog..

So go on get yourself a bargain while they last because i have ordered more so they are very popular:)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Homemade Chicken Korma

                        My Homemade Chicken Korma Curry..

The rice Boiling for my Chicken Curry..

My Homemade Chicken Korma on the stove..

Making my Homemade chicken Curry hehe..

My Table set ready for our Chicken curry..

My Table set ready for our Chicken curry..

My chicken Korma almost ready yummy..

My chicken Korma almost ready yummy..

So i previously posted a Rogan Josh curry and i wanted to post a hot curry i made that made mine and my husbands mouth water lol..

I love making Homemade curries and i defiantly like tasting them because their Yummy:)

Loads of friends have asked if they could taste one of my curries and i defiantly will do when we move, i am thinking of making a curry for our house warming meal lol..

So get your taste buds ready because their Sizzling hot hehe:)

I love Subway,,

                                         I love Subway:)

My Girl Gail..

My Subway friends hard at work- The one right at the back hiding, is hiding her lovely baby bump hehe.

Gail giving me the award winning smile that away's brightens my day..

Well i go to Subway about 3 times a week and its not for the Sandwiches, its for this lovely lady smiling back at me from the bottom Picture..She is such a wonderful and amazing lady and friend and i just could'nt imagine never meeting her because she is a true friend..

She is one of the few people in the world you would go upto and instantly know how honest and wonderful she is..

No matter how busy she is she alway's find time to talk to me and no matter how annoyed and sad i am all i have to do is go and see this lovely lady and i come back smiling:)

As you know im moving about a hour away from where we are now but i can honestly say i will defiantly be coming down to see Gail a few times a month maybe more because she is worth the drive and my time..

I love ya Gail:)

My Handmade Pizza..

                                            My 1st Handmade Pizza..

My Pepporoni Pizza..

Mine and Pauls Pepporoni Pizza..

Mine and Pauls Pepporoni Pizza..

After our Pizza had come out of the oven..

So Me and Paul love Pizza but we tell our selfs we can not have Pizza more then twice a months because's its not exactly a healthy meal its also expesive for 2 pizza's everytime we have it..

So i had a idea while shopping the other day, instead of paying $5 a pizza at walmart or Buying a grease filled pizza from a takeaway i could make it myself for cheaper and it would also have less grease on hehe..

So i went to Walmart and found some ready made bases i brought a 2 pack with 2 packs of tomato Puree for only $3.50 and then i went on to but a pack of pepperoni slice for $2.00 and a pack a of sharp grated cheese for $2.00..

So in total it cost me $7.50 with a saving of $2.50 it may not seem like a huge saving but over a year it as and it also means not added 2 inches to my waist every month from greasy takeaway Pizza's hehe..

So this is what i plan to do every time we have a pizza which i think is a good idea:)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mine and Pauls Sunburn..

                                          Mine and Pauls Sunburn..
My chest sunburn..

Pauls upper back sunburn..

Pauls shoulder sunburn..

My face sunburn..

My forehead sunburn..

The same day i hurt my toe me and Paul got sunburn at hurricane harbour luckly i had it mild as i had used sun lotion but unfortunatly Paul wasnt that lucky and had a severe case of sunburn because he forgot to use sun lotion ouchy..

As you can tell by the picture espiecally of Paul it is painful and really red but the day after it looked 10 time's worse and hurt 10 times worse as well..

I think i spent 2 weeks rubbing aftersun lotion into Pauls back and shoulders because that was the only thing that helped and made it bearable espeically at night while in bed as it was touching the sheets..

The only good thing i think Paul learnt his lesson and will cover himself in Sun lotion in the future and i should get away with not having to put cream on him hehe

Yay ive just wrote my 100th post

I have just completed my 100th blog posting and im proud to be able to say that because normally i would of give up by now and wouldnt be writing anything on the blog anymore, so im happy i have contiuned writing my life in this blog and sharing my American experience with you all..

I hope you all enjoyed my first 100 blogs and i hope you will carry on enjoying my blog page, and dont forget to write comments as i love hearing your veiw and what you have to say about my blogs..

Thankyou all for folllowing My American Life as America's Angel hehe:)

My Poorly Tor Ouchy..

My Poorly Toe..
My Swollen Foot..

My Plaster wrapped around my toe..

My Ouchy...

My Swollen toe...

So a few weeks ago we went to Hurricane Harbour to celebrate our friend Roze birthday, we had a great time unfortunatly Me and Paul had to leave early because i decided to rip my toe nail off on the boogie board wave not on purpose of coarse..

It was so pain full i could hardly walk back to the car, we headed home after we seen the first aid lady at the waterpark and they put a Glue plaster on to keep the toe nail in place, it was still bleeding ours after we got home and the pain kept getting worse and worse..

That night i had to sleep on the settee so Paul wouldnt catch it, the next morning my foot was double its size and still as painful as ever..

I had to stop going Gym 1 because i could not wear shoes, 2 i could hardly walk and 3 i couldnt afford to hurt it..

Its been 2 weeks since i did it and its still causing me some discomfort and is still not fallen off so im still not aloud to go Gym and i can only wear trainers..

Fingers crossed it heals soon and i can go back to the gym as i can feel myself putting back on the weight which is not good and its also making me feel down..