Sunday, June 26, 2011

I love Subway,,

                                         I love Subway:)

My Girl Gail..

My Subway friends hard at work- The one right at the back hiding, is hiding her lovely baby bump hehe.

Gail giving me the award winning smile that away's brightens my day..

Well i go to Subway about 3 times a week and its not for the Sandwiches, its for this lovely lady smiling back at me from the bottom Picture..She is such a wonderful and amazing lady and friend and i just could'nt imagine never meeting her because she is a true friend..

She is one of the few people in the world you would go upto and instantly know how honest and wonderful she is..

No matter how busy she is she alway's find time to talk to me and no matter how annoyed and sad i am all i have to do is go and see this lovely lady and i come back smiling:)

As you know im moving about a hour away from where we are now but i can honestly say i will defiantly be coming down to see Gail a few times a month maybe more because she is worth the drive and my time..

I love ya Gail:)

1 comment:

  1. This post so made me cry. Thank you so very much. i so enjoy you and will miss you dreadfully. But we can still be together through Face book and your blog. And when you come visit. Love You Gail
