Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Beautiful Nana.

                                                     My Nana..
Nana with my sister Amy..

Nana with my brother Aaron..

Great Nana with Aaron and Nana with Amy..

Nana with me..

Nana with me again..

Nana with her favorite horse..


Nana with Auntie Marie as a teenager..

The frame i brought just for you nana

The Tatto i had done for my Nana, she loved Yellow Rose's..

I thought i would do a Post to Celebrate My Gorgeous Nana as yesterday was the 4th anniversary of when we lost her to her fight with secondary bone Cancer and Lung Cancer, she was so brave but unfortunatly she lost her fight..

She was everything to My Family and we still miss her every single day and still find it very hard without her here, espiecally on her Birthday and Special occasions and their have been alot occasions where she was so missed and it didnt feel the same without her their..

My Nana was only 57 years old when we lost her which is no age..

We miss and love you so much each and everyday and that will never change because you were the best and i just hope you know how much we all loved you and still do, Your never be far from are hearts...

Miss and Love you Nana..


  1. I really love the old pictures! What a great tribute to your Nana!

  2. It is always hard to loose someone you love. Having Pictures help make it seem as if they are right there with you.
    Helps to keep the memories alive,
