Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I can't believe how big Tigger has got..

I can't believe how big Tigger has grown..

Look how Tiny Tigger was when we first brought him home at 5Month's..

Look how big Tigger got and he's just over a  year old..

Look how big Tigger got and he's just over a year old..

Tigger's even bigger then my Beautiful Willow who is 2 and a half..

My 2 beautiful Kitty's and how well their doing, seeing we adopted them both and they both had hard start's in life they are so loving and amaze us by showing us how unusual they are and they always give us lot's of cuddle's..

Tigger turned 1 in March and Willow turned 2 at the start of the year, they are both doing great and me and my hubby couldnt imagine life without them, their also part of our family..

Tigger grew so fast in a short amount of time, he's even bigger then Willow and Willow is a year older, but even though Tiger is bigger, they both get on well together even though they play fight sometime's

Love my 2 beautiful kitty lots:)

1 comment:

  1. Here kitty, kitty,
    They are Beautiful. Willow looks like my Memory.
    Cats are cool. Memory has stayed by me all weekend. Spoiled rotten all them.
