Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tigger found his new bed hehe:)

                         Tigger our kitty found his new bed hehe..
Silly kitty hehe

Tigger found his new bed in my Bassinet haha..

Tigger getting comfy in my new bassinet..

Tigger trying to get comfy in the bassinet..

Tigger seeing whats going on..

So i was moving boxes back and forth to the spare room so their i moved everything around to fit more boxe's in and Tigger found a way to get in my Bassinet which i thing is so funny..

Tigger spent the whole day sleeping in the bassinet and he also likes laying under it as well which i think is so funny..

I thought Tigger was so cute and just had to take a few pics hehe:)

1 comment:

  1. We could put a kitty dress and bonnet on Tigger and make him look like a fuzzy baby. If I was a cat that would be my choice for sleep.
