Monday, June 6, 2011

I recently joined the Gym..

So recently i joined the Gym and Weightwatchers which i am very excited about and im looking forward to losing weight and feeling healthy again and its going well i love doing all the classes because i like being in a social enviroment with other people..

The Gym schedule..

The lesson's that interest me..

All the classes im trying to do..

The high lighted classes are the classes that interest me the most and make you burn alot of calorie's in a shory amount of time which is great but its also fun at the same time..

My favourite classes are Yoga, Ripped and Piloxing at the moment but i plan to go to the Zumba Class soon as i really want to try it, it's just very hard to fit it all in with my busy schedule lately but i will get their..

24 Hour Fitness has so much to offer a person who finds it hard just to stay motivated, its working for me and im the least motivated person ever.

Im loving the push and new leash of life its giving me and most of all its give me alot more confidence..

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