Monday, June 6, 2011

A English Curry

                                                    A English Curry.

It Taste as good as it looks..

My husband loved his curry.

All mixed and ready to eat..

The chicken curry mixed into the rice..

So i have been finding it really hard to find English food here espeically Curry Sauce, Marmite and Gravy Granules, I found a place where they sell these thing's about half a year ago but the only problem is i would have to drive a hour out to get their and the prices are way to much.. It was called the British Emporium and it was founded by a English couple a few years ago..

Well thankgod i found a even closer place which is about 5 min's down the road from us that does everything i loved and missed so much, Its called Krogar and its just like Walmart only difference is it has a isle full of different country foods not just British food but also Mex food, Italian and so much more..

They also sell it at a very reasonable price which is also great..

This was the 1st curry i have made since i left England because i couldnt find anyone that done it except the British Emporium, so i will be making alot more Currie's from now on..

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