Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Poorly Tor Ouchy..

My Poorly Toe..
My Swollen Foot..

My Plaster wrapped around my toe..

My Ouchy...

My Swollen toe...

So a few weeks ago we went to Hurricane Harbour to celebrate our friend Roze birthday, we had a great time unfortunatly Me and Paul had to leave early because i decided to rip my toe nail off on the boogie board wave not on purpose of coarse..

It was so pain full i could hardly walk back to the car, we headed home after we seen the first aid lady at the waterpark and they put a Glue plaster on to keep the toe nail in place, it was still bleeding ours after we got home and the pain kept getting worse and worse..

That night i had to sleep on the settee so Paul wouldnt catch it, the next morning my foot was double its size and still as painful as ever..

I had to stop going Gym 1 because i could not wear shoes, 2 i could hardly walk and 3 i couldnt afford to hurt it..

Its been 2 weeks since i did it and its still causing me some discomfort and is still not fallen off so im still not aloud to go Gym and i can only wear trainers..

Fingers crossed it heals soon and i can go back to the gym as i can feel myself putting back on the weight which is not good and its also making me feel down..

1 comment:

  1. Do not feel down, turn your frown around, Put a smile on your face and you will feel it in the space where your pain is now.
