Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Trip To The Dentist..

My Trip To The Dentist..

My white teeth hehe..

I no longer have a black stain on my front tooth..

My new found smile:)

Me Just after i got back from the dentist..

So i recently had to go to the Dentist because i had been have a major tooth ache for about 2 months and i finally decided action was needed so i made a appointment and lucky they could fit me in that day..

I went to my appointment and they had to do a few X-ray's to help them figure out what was wrong and they did i ended up having 2 have 3 filling's, 2 teeth out and a strong cleaning, I had to have alot of injections which was horrible but i done it and im glad i did..

Its been a week since i went to the Dentist and my mouth is still sore but i was told it would be but im just glad its not a tooth ache anymore..

So i have made it my personally mission to make sure i go for a check up evey 6 months to keep my teeth in good condition..

Go me:)

1 comment:

  1. It is about time you got those painful teeth fixed. I am sure you feel better and I am very proud of you for getting it done. now you can enjoy that proper roast you made. lol
