Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mine and Pauls Sunburn..

                                          Mine and Pauls Sunburn..
My chest sunburn..

Pauls upper back sunburn..

Pauls shoulder sunburn..

My face sunburn..

My forehead sunburn..

The same day i hurt my toe me and Paul got sunburn at hurricane harbour luckly i had it mild as i had used sun lotion but unfortunatly Paul wasnt that lucky and had a severe case of sunburn because he forgot to use sun lotion ouchy..

As you can tell by the picture espiecally of Paul it is painful and really red but the day after it looked 10 time's worse and hurt 10 times worse as well..

I think i spent 2 weeks rubbing aftersun lotion into Pauls back and shoulders because that was the only thing that helped and made it bearable espeically at night while in bed as it was touching the sheets..

The only good thing i think Paul learnt his lesson and will cover himself in Sun lotion in the future and i should get away with not having to put cream on him hehe

1 comment:

  1. A day of Fun was not as fun because of the sun.
